The BPM Way of Implementation and Governance


Most process initiatives today include some sort of business process automation, whereas implementation and governing of complex processes in this complex setting can be a daunting thing.

The reality is that 72% of process automation (IT) projects fail to deliver on time, on budget, or on value. Most IT projects fail during the implementation/deployment phase. Research indicates that only 25% of failed process automation (IT) projects occur because of unsolvable technical issues, whereas 75% of all failures are due to a complex mixture of problems including missing process leadership, missing employee process skills, bad communication and so on. This clearly suggests at least part of the gap is between the “as-is” process landscape, the “to-be” process design, and the actual business transformation sought in and through the process implementation.

We will outline the “Way of Implementing” or the approach, you, the practitioner, follow to apply the way of working and modeling into the physical and thereby the process execution and concrete relevant aspects. In the “Way of Governing,” we outline the approach the practitioner follows to steer and govern what exists. It consists both of a holistic BPM Governance approach as well as a separate governance process that spans across the BPM Life Cycle, for example, process analysis, process design, process implementation, and run, monitor, and optimize the existing process.