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The LEAD Way of Training is about the ability to re-skill and mature the business and IT workforce to meet today’s need for cross-disciplinary competencies with an emphasis on value, process, services, enterprise architecture, information, technology and transformation. This is tailored in our LEAD career path and aimed to apply standards to new or existing projects.
Our LEAD Way of Training is designed and tailored to support project result-oriented team certification, new project and framework adoption, re-skilling, as well as skills transformation. Skills taxonomy that aligns cross-disciplinary competencies.
The LEADing Practice career curriculum combines skills taxonomy and aligns cross-disciplinary capability and skills way of thinking, working and modelling across business and IT roles. With a complete Enterprise Modelling concept, including frameworks, methods, and approaches with associated tools and templates, such as meta model with modelling rules. All integrated with each other to enable cross business and IT skill development.
Skills taxonomy that aligns cross-disciplinary competencies
The LEADing Practice career curriculum combines skills taxonomy and aligns cross-disciplinary capability and skills way of thinking, working and modelling across business and IT roles. With a complete Enterprise Modelling concept, including frameworks, methods, and approaches with associated tools and templates, such as meta model with modelling rules. All integrated with each other to enable cross business and IT skill development.
The LEADing Practice skills taxonomy stands out in the enterprise modelling and architecture community as a powerful, fully integrated and standardized concept.
Applied competencies – The key to success
Each certification curriculum builds on already existing expertise and creates new cross-disciplinary capability and skills to the organization. Building on existing expertise, while creating new skills and coaching them to peak performance. Our experience, from training and coaching thousands of people in over 45 countries, has taught us that: “it is only through coaching and building on the existing knowledge that competencies are gained and applied”. Therefore we do agree that traditional training gives very little effect.
Infuse your organization with a new Way of Thinking, Working & Modelling
The LEADing Practice way of training is structured to build on the existing practitioners competencies, however infusing them with a new way of thinking, working and modelling. This is done through intensive class-room training, in-depth tutoring and coaching throughout the modules, as well as hands-on project experience, where you apply the acquired modelling and its related disciplines, such as:

A unique way of training with the skill acquisition roadmap.