John is acknowledge for his ability to identify, plan and create value by aligning business strategies with information technologies. Drilling Business Objectives “big-picture” down to Critical Success Factor and Key Performance Indicators at strategically, tactical and operational level on business, technology, and applications.
John is has been instrumental in developing the Call / contact Enterprise Standards with LEADing Practice that interconnects Business Model, Value Management/ Architecture, Measurements, Analytics, Service Orientation, Testing, Process Modelling/ Architecture as well as Information Modelling/ Architecture. Supporting complex organization call/contact centre work effectively e.g. allow an organization to transform its organization to optimize costs and drive out value; draw more direct and explicit links to strategic targets; understand the value potential of call/contact centres by integrating them directly into their core and supporting processes; and finally linking cost to performance – answering client demands in a manner that makes business sense and aligns with acceptable service standards.
John has a passion is to discover the WHY, define the WHAT and deliver the HOW. With a wide range of private and public section experience, John currently works at Canadian Government; responsible for aligning of Project & Portfolio initiatives within its complex environment.